

BIO sphere in the lye

Sep. 24, 2019
dance in the lye
We are happy to share with you the interesting clip BIO sphere, which we created together with you on the occasion of the Birthday of Atanasovsko Lake in the pool with lye.

On August 12, as part of the program for the 39th birthday of the Atanasovsko Lake Reserve, we organized an art performance in the lye pool. Those wishing to participate in the idea of ​​Mariana Sarbova, followed the instructions of the choreographer Petya Stoykova to recreate an unusual "dance" in the hypersaline waters of the pink basin. The video was shot for free by a team at DronBurgas, for which we heartily thank them.

The music of YPSMAEL & E.U.E.R.P.I., and the sound design is by Norman Müller, who collected them specifically for the experimental concert of "SymBiotic" on August 18.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who participated and especially the little Svetlio - the manager of "SimBiotic" :)

The video was realized with the assistance of Black Sea Salinas, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation and RIEW - Burgas.

It was shown at the WATER Festival and aroused great interest among the audience of this contemporary arts event in Burgas.

Salt factory
Together 21
Life programme
Natura 2000