What are the hot issues and successes of Lake Atanasovsko?
The Public Advisory Council discusses the conservation activities and hot issues in and around Lake Atanasovsko.
On 25 November (Friday) 2022, the third meeting of the Public Council for Lake Atanasovsko was held in the Chamber Hall of NHK Culture Centre on the topic "The restoration of Lake Atanasovsko - main challenges for biodiversity and salt production".
Three American students in Burgas
Three American students spent three months in Burgas, studying Atanasovsko lake. These include fieldwork, scientific studies of the Greater flamingo and some Waders, research of sea grasses and especially Ruppia maritima, study of salt marshes, monitoring of dragonflies in Lake Pomorie, etc.
Book of Abstracts and Video presentations from the LIFE Platform Meeting In Bulgaria
Within two days (October 12-13, 2022), during the LIFE Platform meeting in Burgas, the participants from several Mediterranean countries were able to hear 16 presentations on-site and online.
LIFE Platform meeting was held in Burgas
On October 12 and 13, 2022, a LIFE Platform meeting on Innovative Approaches in Coastal Wetlands Management was held in the International Congress Center Burgas in the Foros Hall, dedicated to 30 years since the launch of the European LIFE program, which finances only nature conservation projects.
Innovative approaches in the coastal wetlands management will be discussed in Burgas, Bulgaria
A LIFE platform meeting will be organized on October 12 – 13, 2022 to address integrated and innovative approaches to coastal wetlands, birds and habitats conservation. Sharing the successful management models and strategies will allow not only focus on the strict replication aspects but will also target related aspects like scaling-up, demonstration and mainstreaming.
The filming of the movie about Lake Atanasovsko has finished
An exciting week for the team of the project Lagoon of Life, who participated in the filming of the new movie about Lake Atanasovsko "Salty People". Wonderful weather, unexpected encounters with pelicans, storks and salt workers.
The cure for everything is salt and water, sweat, tears or the sea.
Presentation of the work of the artists inspired by Lake Atanasovsko and a party for all guests to "symBiotic".
Ten artists from Bulgaria and around the world have been creating art for 10 days on the salt pans of Lake Atanasovsko, inspired by the place, the colours and the salty air around the lake.
Biking for Biodiversity
The program for the wetland management was presented to the students from Plovdiv University
American students will research Atanasovsko Lake
Special event in Bergamo for the Council of Europe’s Landscape Award 2021
Exchange experience voyage to the Albanian coastal lagoons
A visit of Albanian group of nature conservators
Lets donate for the curly-head lord of the lakes!
A fire is burning in Atanasovsko Lake
All presentations from the saltwater wetlands international webinar are already available in favour of the public
The Programme of the webinar
International Webinar: Conservation and sustainable use of saltwater wetlands in the Black Sea and Mediterranean region
Date: 2nd of February 2022 Start time: 10 CET Official language: English
Link to join the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85452632438?pwd=aU8wWFZ4SlZrZXRlV2NkSFVJY1g5dz09
International Webinar for saltwater wetlands in the Black Sea and Mediterranean region
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF), Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) and Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) are invited to join an international webinar Conservation and sustainable use of saltwater wetlands in the Black Sea and Mediterranean region on behalf of World Wetlands Day - 2nd of February 2022.